Today, I had a meeting with my boss, there is a project that needed a direction, on whether to spend and invest the money to prepare for the future needs, or to hold.
I make suggestion and proposal to invest the money first, as we know that that the successful implementation of the project will be our money earning machine, as we are phasing out old product that is not profitable any more. But, however, I was requested to supply justification, why need to spend this money, what is the buy back and all sort concerns. OK, I told him why we need to spend the money, addressing his concern, still no agreement on my directions. Then, I open up my mouth, and ask my boss, "Please show me the directions". I was blasted, by him, that I should provide him proposal and directions and not to ask him for directions. This is what I did a few moments ago, and resulted in a lot of justifications he asked that I already explained, which really made me don't know what to do. Thereafter, I ask for his directions, he asked me back for direction. Looks like, I am clown in his merry-go-round directions decision making.
Start A Business 2010.
Today is the last day of the year, and I myself had made up my mind
to start my own business for 2010. Here to share with you what I had now
going to go thr...
15 years ago